I believe that the key to a happy and successful life is wisdom. When we think wisely, we act wisely. Then we naturally reap joy and success.
I started this blog to ensure that I grow in wisdom every week, while also sharing useful learnings with others. These are my personal learnings and experiences, but perhaps they can help others avoid my past suffering and to gain happiness.
Feel free to browse around, use the search bar, or click on any of the buttons below to read about popular topics on this blog.
Meditation Is Worth It
2024 Year-End Reflection
My Year of Practicing Selflessness
Mr. More Or Less
How To Handle Teenage Rebellion (and Opposition in General)
Philosophy Sessions Between Parents and Children
TCM: Emotions and Health
Eight Keys To Effective Listening
I Didn't Ask You To Explain
Philosophy Session With My Bookshelves
To Wrong Parents Or The Uber Driver?
Six Year Anniversary of Weekly Wisdom!
Elevate Your Gratitude
30th Wedding Anniversary Wisdom From Gretchen Rubin—Commentary
Urgency Is No Excuse For Bad Manners
Think Beyond Just Your Own Perspective
What You Focus On, Grows.
Health Advice From Doctors At A Chinese Medicine Hospital
A Study Week At Shen Nong Chinese Medicine Hospital
How To Do Daily Self-Reflection Effectively